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Physics Laboratory

More than a mere place in the back of the classroom, the Physics Laboratory is a place where the first year Engineering students of all branches are trained to practice the activities of a quality engineer, like asking, answering and exploring new questions, performing the experiments as perprocedure, collecting data, analyzing it and submitting a report on the observed inference.

The Physics Lab is well established with all the instruments and perfectly full-fill the prerequisiteof the Anna University Chennai Syllabus. In this Laboratory, the goals for each experiment are spelled out to the students, but decisions regarding the specific procedures to be followed to attain these goals will be made by the students under the guidance of the lab faculty.

Chemistry Laboratory 

The aim of the Chemistry Laboratory is to impart good experimental and innovative skills to the first year BE students of all branches of Engineering. The Chemistry Laboratory is a well-equipped and sophisticated laboratory which provides excellent facilities for the students to enhance their practical exposure in the field of Chemistry as specified in the Anna University Chennai Syllabus.

In this Laboratory, students learn to analyze the various quality parameters of potable water such as Hardness, Alkalinity, and Dissolved Oxygen Content etc. apart from performing some experiments using Conductivity Bridge and Potentiometer.