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National Technical Symposium Trojan

About Trojan

The second National Level Technical Symposium TROJAN (7E0)16 conducted by Computer Science and engineering Students Association (CSSA). TROJAN(7E0)16 is coined by the name of a virus is a program in which malicious or harmful code is contained inside apparently harmless programming or data in such a way that it can get control and do its chosen form of damage, such as ruining the file allocation table on your hard disk. This implies that our symposium also stays unique all of its kind in the year 2016 which hexa decimally represented as (7E0)16


Ø PapsPro (Paper Presentation)
Ø DonnyBrook (Technical Debate)
Ø Trezoro Casado (Treasure Hunt)
Ø Film War (Short Film)
Ø Bug Master (Debugging)
Ø RAM (Technical Quiz)
Ø Lenzkraft (Photography)
Ø Confusion Marketing (Adzap)

Attendees Benefits

  • TROJAN cracks their exposure in technical knowledge through various innovative events mentioned above and surprising events.
  • TROJAN provides a forum to compete and interact with fears from all over India.
  • TROJAN cools the heated minds by its own style of events like gaming and fun.
  • TROJAN pops out a window to exhibit the student’s cultural talents.

Last Date for Online Registration : Feb 25 , 2016

Confirmation of Registration         : Feb 27, 2016

Symposium Date                          : March 1, 2016 Timing 9.30AM to 5.00PM

 For Brochure                     : Click Here
Registration                        : Online
Contact Mail-ID                   : trojan7e0@gmail.com

Payment Details

Payment has to be made at the day of the event by cash(Rs.300).

For more information please contact:

Mr.R.Venkatesan  / +91-99948 62432

Mr.J.Arun Pandian /+91-97892 73091

Student Coordinator:

Mr.N.Raghushankar / +91-99446 43642

Mr.R.Danush/+91-95782 68884