Inauguration Of B.E.Degree Course – 2015-16 batch was held on 10th August 2015. Shri.B.Prative Chend, CEO, CARE Group of Institutions inaugurated the function, giving the freshers, powerful and beneficial guidelines for their life at CARE.
A Career Guidance programme was conducted for the I year students on 6th March 2015. Mr.Suresh Kumar, Rtd. Employment Officer, Trichy , the Chief Guest of the occasion unfolded various career prospects to the budding Engineers.
Ecocare initiative in care was inaugurated on Nov.28th ,2009 by Mr.T.Soundiah, IAS ,Collector, Trichy District. All Faculty members and Students planted trees in the campus on that day. Organized seminar on climate change –Evidences and mitigations on 28.01.2011.The chief guest Dr.P.Shagul Hameed Director ,Environmental Research Center, J.J College of Engg&Tech, Trichy Recycle dust bin are kept in and around the campus to collect the waste recyclable materials to create awareness about usage of dustbin
Dr.V.Sivan, Professor, NIT, Trichy inaugurated the Science Club on 07.11.2009.Through this Club, we enrich Science knowledge among the student community. Every year Science Club conducts various programs such as Intra Collegiate Science Quiz Program, Quiz program for the first year students and awareness Lectures.
Inauguration of Red Ribbon Club Was held on 11.02.2011 to create awareness about HIV – AIDS.Mrs. Jesaria Mary , District RRC Manager inaugurated Club and gave a valuable speech about RRC. At Present, The Club has 155 student members from all schools. The activities of the RRC were set-off Mrs. Jesaria Mary , District RRC Manager on march 15 who delivered a talk on “Celebrating Life” and an interactive session was conducted with an HIV +ve person. more ……..