
Guest Lecture on “Strategic Roles of HR in Managing Industrial Disputes”

Guest Lecture on “Strategic Roles of HR in Managing Industrial Disputes”

CARE Business school, organized, Guest Lecture for Iyr CBS students on the topic of “Strategic Roles of HR in Managing Industrial Disputes”. Mr. Vigneshwaran, Employee Welfare Specialist, TVS Mobility Limited, Coimbatore, was the resource person. The main purpose of the session was to inculcate a foundation that associates a people […]

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GD Competition by NDLI Club

GD Competition by NDLI Club

CARE Business School organized a competition in Group Discussion conducted by NDLI club. Second year MBA students of CARE Business School participated and benefited out of this competition. The main objective was to overcome from the inhibition which they face during the interviews, whereby it will impact their future career […]

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