A guest lecture on “Advertising Strategy” – Mr. R.V. Prasad

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“A well planned Advertising Campaign gets your message to the right target at the right time while increasing sales” – Mr. R.V. Prasad.
CARE School of Business Management conducted a guest lecture on “Advertising Strategy” on 20 August 2016, at the seminar hall of CARE School of Business Management. Final year MBA students benefited out of this session.

Mr Prasad said:

“An advertising strategy is a plan to reach and persuade a customer to buy a product or a service. The basic elements of the plan are

1) the product itself and its advantages,

2) the customer and his or her characteristics,

3) the relative advantages of alternative routes whereby the customer can be informed of the product, and

4) the optimization of resulting choices given budgetary constraints. In effect this means that aims must be clear, the environment must be understood, the means must be ranked, and choices must be made based on available resources.

Effective product assessment, market definition, media analysis, and budgetary choices result in an optimum plan—never the perfect plan because resources are always limited”.

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