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Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science is augmented with three different laboratories for UG Students.

Artificial Intelligence Lab

This lab is specialized and enables students to learn AI programming. Guided by our faculty members, the students get to apply their knowledge in algorithms, Computer Networks, and Artificial Intelligence while working together in this lab premises. The lab programmer’s   assistance in indispensable in the effective maintenance and engagement of our students. 

Our programming lab is facilitated with the Configuration:                                                                 

  • Core i3-2120 (3rd gen) processor
  • 2GB DDR3@1333mhz RAM
  • 500 GB @7200rpm SATA HDD18.5”wide TFT color monitor

Software Used:       


·      ORACLE


·      JAVA (JDK 1.7.0-75)

·      ARGO UML – 0.34

.      Spider


Machine Learning Lab:

The Machine Learning Laboratory (MLL) carries out research and develops different theoretical foundations for machine learning such as:

  • Reinforcement Learning , Deep Learning
  • Statistical Learning Theory, Multi-agent Systems, Game Theory
  • Mechanism Design, Block chains, Explainable and Fair AI

Software Used:

  • Neural Designer
  • DeepLearning Kit
  • Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit
  • Apache SINGA

Deep Learning Lab

Our aim is to explore and understand artificial intelligence, including machine learning, deep learning, numerical optimization, and natural language processing and to perform research on their applicability in various domains. We are also collaborating with industries as well as other universities for cutting edge research.

Software Used:

  • Anaconda
  • Colab
  • Apache Mahout
  • Weka