On May 4th A Online Lecture on “Slum Resettlements and Upgradation” by Dr José Nunez Collado, Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, was delivered for 4th-year students of B.Arch. for Urban Housing, hosted by Ar. Mohesh Radhakrishnan @insanelymohesh.
José is a Lecturer at @wgtnfadi, the Wellington School of Architecture. He teaches courses in Sustainable and Regenerative Design and Building Technologies. Interested in exploring the links between architecture, environmental risk, and socio-spatial exclusion, José’s research lies at the intersection of urbanism, history, public policy, and sustainability. Through the lenses of socio-environmental vulnerability, race and labour, his research looks at the records and contemporary implications of built environment interventions in creating, upholding, or dismantling structures of inequality and marginalisation. His research looks particularly at cities in the Global South. He has conducted fieldwork in the Dominican Republic, Taiwan, the United States, the Philippines, Colombia and Cuba.
May 4th, 2023 IST: 10.00am- 10.45amNZDT: 4.30 pm- 5.15 pm