Dear Sir/Madam,
We are very much excited to announced that CARE College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering organize “A five days online FDP on Engineering Thermodynamics” from 28.08.2023 to 01.09.2023, every day two sessions (10.00 to 11.30 AM & 2.00 to 3.30 PM). Interested faculty members, Research scholars, students and industrialists can register. The FDP covers Engineering Thermodynamics syllabus of Anna University, Chennai, VTU, Bangalore and JNTU, Hyderabad. Herewith we have attached Brochure for your kind reference.
Registration fee:
Research scholar and students: Rs. 100/-
Faculty and industrialists: Rs. 250/-
Last date of registration: 26.08.2023 (Saturday)
The registration link:
Take away from the FDP:
1. Lectures notes and PPTs
2. YouTube lectures
3. Certificate – Hard Copy
Thanking you,
Organizing Team,
Dr. K. Kannan,
Dr. B. Gobalakrishnan,
Assistant Professor,
CARE College of Engineering,
Trichy -620009
Engineering Thermodynamics FDP Brochure (1)