Faculty Development Programme on Embedded System & IoT Design

The Faculty Development Programme on Embedded System & IoT Design organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering aimed to provide faculty members with comprehensive insights into the latest trends and technologies in the field. The program featured Er. A. Syed Ibrahim, M. E., Technical Lead at Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd, Coimbatore, as the key resource person.

Dr. J. Jeyarani, the esteemed leader of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, inaugurated the Faculty Development Programme on Embedded System & IoT Design with an insightful introduction

Program Highlights:

Ø  Sessions Content: The sessions covered a wide range of topics including Embedded Systems fundamentals, IoT architecture, sensor integration, data communication protocols, and practical applications.

Ø  Hands-on Workshops: Participants engaged in hands-on workshops where they had the opportunity to work with real-world IoT devices and development boards. This practical experience helped in reinforcing theoretical concepts.

Ø  Interactive Discussions: The program encouraged interactive discussions where participants could ask questions and share their insights. This facilitated a dynamic learning environment and encouraged collaboration among participants.

Ø  Networking Opportunities: Participants had the chance to network with industry experts and peers, fostering valuable connections and potential collaborations.

Key Takeaways:

Ø  Enhanced understanding of Embedded System and IoT Design principles.

Ø  Practical skills in developing IoT applications and integrating sensors.

Ø  Insights into the latest trends and advancements in the field.

Ø  Networking opportunities with industry professionals and peers.

Ø  Increased confidence in teaching and research endeavors related to Embedded Systems and IoT.

The Faculty Development Programme on Embedded System & IoT Design was a resounding success, providing participants with valuable knowledge and practical skills. The program served as a platform for continuous learning and professional development in the rapidly evolving field of Embedded Systems and IoT. We extend our gratitude to Er. A. Syed Ibrahim and all participants for their active participation and contributions.

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