Department Of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Four Days Value Added Courses on JAVA and PHP Programming (06 –March 2024 to 09-March 2024)



We the department of AD has successfully conducted 4 days training program on “JAVA and PHP Programming”, for II year students. The program was from 6/3/2024 to 9/3/2024. The internal resource persons were Mrs.T.Amutha/AP/AI&DS, Mrs.R.C.Subhashini/AP/AI&DS, Mr.K.Saravanan/AP/AI&Ds and Mrs.A.Shanmugapriya/AP/AI&Ds.

For the first  day, the forenoon session included the discussion about basic concepts in Java with Simple program coding followed by Simple Java programs using Inheritance .The same day ,the afternoon session included the its (FN session)coding part of the concepts discussed. During the second day, the forenoon session discussed about the  simple java programming using polymorphism, The same day ,the afternoon session included the its (FN session)coding part of the concepts discussed. Next, Third day includes the basic programming concept in web designing for that HTML  based as introduction to HTML  which is followed by CSS, Web page  Design  for the creation of the front end tool for the user interactive in the application layer in the system. The same day, the afternoon session included the it’s (FN session) coding part of the concepts discussed. The last day, discussed about PHP programming  and in the afternoon session  JAVA and HTML Coding Contest were conducted. For all the 4 days students did there coding part for 3hrs in the afternoon, the concept  was given to the students for another 3hrs in the evening. Totally the students were engaged in coding using Java and HTML  for 6hours per day. Using the platform the students have been monitored about their coding completion status and their assessment.

Each student gave the feedback using Google form, the feedback was excellent. The platform can be utilized by the students for 6 months and using the same platform the faculty can also conduct coding test/competitions.

On behalf of our department I thank the students for their utmost cooperation for the training program. The outcome of the program has been visualized by themselves with their assessment marks.

We are thankful to the CEO ,the Principal, and to the Dean for initiating and supporting us to carry out the training program successfully. The training program follow-up will be done by all  the faculty  members , to make the students fully benefited by the course using the platform. We hope such programs will be done in future also.













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