Online Alumni Interaction

The program was organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering at CARE College of Engineering and coordinated by Mr. M. Anthony Kingston AP/Mech. For the alumni interaction, mechanical students from different batches (2016–2020, 2017–2021, 2018–2022, 2019–2023) joined and interacted. Around six students attended the alumni interaction.

They shared their working experience and gave feedback regarding the improvement and focus of the students’s skills during the second year of their study. They insisted that the students should be involved in organizing the programs, and student groups may be formed to facilitate their interpersonal skills. They also insisted the students follow their LinkedIn profiles to update their skills and get internships and placement opportunities. At the end of the program, Mechanical Department HoD Dr.D.R.Rajkumar wished them good luck and insisted them to collectively organize other alumni and come in person for future upcoming events.

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