Dr. N. Shanmuga Priya’s guest lecture on April 30, 2024, undoubtedly provided an enriching experience for students at the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. Covering pivotal topics such as operating systems, disk scheduling, page replacement, and deadlock, Dr. Priya’s expertise shed light on the intricate workings of modern computing systems. The interactive format fostered lively discussions and knowledge exchange, ensuring that participants gained not only theoretical insights but also practical understanding.

Through Dr. Priya’s guidance, attendees delved into the nuances of disk scheduling algorithms, understanding how they impact system efficiency and performance. Likewise, the exploration of page replacement policies offered valuable perspectives on memory management strategies essential for optimizing resource utilization. Additionally, the discussion on deadlock management underscored the importance of preemptive measures in ensuring system stability and reliability.

The lasting impact of the lecture is evident in the enhanced understanding and appreciation for operating system design and management principles among the participants. Armed with newfound knowledge and insights, attendees are better equipped to tackle real-world challenges in computing environments. Dr. Priya’s contribution has undoubtedly enriched the academic landscape, paving the way for future advancements in the field.



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