Guest Lecture on “Advanced Topics in DBMS”

 Guest lecture on “Advanced Topics in DBMS” was arranged and successfully conducted for 2nd year CSE (‘A’ and ‘B’) students on 08/05/2024 in the Forenoon session. Dr N. Saranya, Assistant Professor, SRM University, Trichy was the resource person for this Guest Lecture session.
This Guest lecture is aimed to provide the enriched knowledge to 2nd year students on the subject CS3492- Database Management Systems which is in Anna university curriculum. In this session, the Distributed Databases, Query optimization and advanced topics like NoSQL Databases, CAP theorem and Graph based Databases are delivered through this guest lecture.

Resource person Dr. N.Saranya explored the guest lecture session on the topics CAP theorem and Graph based Databases. Around 111 students from CSE have benefited through this guest lecture session. Students have cleared their doubts by interacting with resource person.


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