
Admissions Open – Counselling Code 841

We are currently issuing application forms for the following courses UG Courses C.A.R.E. School of Engineering B.E. Mechanical Engineering B.E. Civil Engineering B.E. Electrical & Electronic Engineering B.E. Material Science Engineering PG Courses C.A.R.E. School of Business Management M.B.A. Master of Business Administration C.A.R.E. School of Computer Applications M.C.A. Master […]

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Material Science Engineering

Material Science Engineering Material Science broadly encompasses the fundamental study of solid matter with the goal of engineering new materials with superior properties, and ultimately enabling altogether new types of devices. Historically, materials science focussed on metallurgical and ceramic systems. In the modern era, Material Science makes use of advanced […]

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Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Electrical & Electronic Engineering Today, India as a developing country is growing rapidly. With all this growth India’s need for Energy is ever increasing. Similarly the demand for Engineers in this field will continue to grow. Students in electrical engineering learn about generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. They learn […]

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Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering The civil engineering department teaches students how to plan, design, and construct major facilities including highways, transit systems, dams, tunnels, energy facilities, harbors, canals, buildings, and bridges. Civil engineering students are taught to manage our air, water, and energy resources and help protect society from natural catastrophes, such […]

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Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Mechanical engineering department teaches students to design and develop everything you think of as a machine – from supersonic fighter jets to bicycles to toasters. The students are taught the basics mechanical principles that influence the design of other products such as shoes, light bulbs and even doors. […]

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Chemistry The properties of ALL materials arise from their chemical make-up. Engineers need to understand chemistry, as it helps you to understand the world around you. The department focuses on examples of chemistry for engineering applications like Environmental chemistry of streams, lakes, wastewater treatment plants, Fuel cells, Gas law demonstrations […]

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Physics The department provides students with a fundamental knowledge of physics, together with problem-solving skills, and an understanding of engineering. It is designed to address the needs of students seeking innovative careers in today’s technological age. In addition to courses in those subjects fundamental to the student’s field of interest, […]

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Mathematics The department supports the Engineering faculty. It trains the students to have an analytical outlook, logical reasoning and a Mathematical bent of mind, through problem – solving. Mathematics course equally emphasis on theory and application. The department mostly focuses on applied courses such as vectors, the many types of […]

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English The primary objective of the English Department is to instill confidence in the students. This is achieved through various ways. Training the students in group discussions and presentation skills. The department also uses various types of behavioral approaches in communication such as listening, writing and body language. This is […]

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