Webinar on Shortcut Methods for Basic Mathematics
Alumni Interaction
Marvels of engineering
Webinar on Opportunities in Health Care
Webinar on Opportunities in Digital marketing
Online Training Session on Logical Reasoning
Placement Cell organized an online Training session on “Logical reasoning ” on 30-04-2020 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. Interested students attended the Logical reasoning Online Training session. Mr S Naresh Kumar, Reasoning Trainer, Unacademy trained the students through the online class.
Webinar on Machine Learning- Overview
Placement Cell organized a webinar on “Machine Learning- Overview” on 27-4-2020 6:00m to 7:00 pm. 50 students from Computer Science and Engineering and Electronics and Communication Engineering department have attended the webinar. Rajkumar Kalaimani, Senior System Engineer, Infosys Ltd briefed about the Machine Learning fundamentals and interacted with the students.
Mechanical Engineering Student’s Association (MESA) has organized Two day National level technical symposium IGNITION’20 on February 21 & 22, 2020. Nearly 48 external participants and 90 internal participants have participated. Mr. C P Chandrasekaran Quality systems Consultant, Trichy was invited as chief guest for the symposium. Various Technical and Non […]
MESA Inauguration 2019
Mechanical Engineering Student’s Association (MESA) Inauguration of the activity, 2019-2020 on August 8, 2019.