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Examination Fees


Sl. No. Description Fee in INR
1 UG Theory & Practical (Laboratory)per paper 150
2 UG Theory cum Practical per paper 300
3 UG Project per candidate 300
4 PG Theory & Practical (Laboratory)per paper 450
5 PG Theory cum Practical per paper 900
6 PG Project per candidate 600
7 To see the evaluated answer script per paper 300
8 Revaluation per paper 400
9 Review per paper (refundable) 3000
10 Grade sheet per candidate per semester 300
11 Consolidated grade sheet per candidate 300
12 Correction in grade sheet per candidate per semester 300
13 Duplicate grade sheet per candidate per semester 300
14 Correction in consolidated grade sheet per candidate 300
15 Duplicate consolidated grade sheet per candidate 300
16 Second duplicate consolidated grade sheet per candidate 300
17 Transcript 850
18 Medium of instruction certificate 300
19 CGPA to percentage certificate 300
20 Genuineness verification 300
21 Provisional degree certificate per candidate *
22 Correction in provisional degree certificate *
23 Degree certificate per candidate *
24 Correction in degree certificate *
25 Duplicate degree certificate per candidate *
26 Second duplicate degree certificate per candidate *
  • Note : * – As per the Fee Fixed by Anna University